Monday, February 16, 2009

Jarabe de Maíz de Alta Fructosa

As many of you know, I cannot resist talking about the evils of high fructose corn syrup. While it is a bit easier to avoid here in Mexico, Alex still spent a good 10 minutes reading labels on ketchup and syrup bottles, because most brands are imported from the U.S.

It seems the official Spanish translation is jarabe de maiz de alta fructosa, but we have been told it could also be listed as fructosa as well. Since we are still trying to weed through and translate most of the ingredients listed on the labels of pre-packaged foods, we've decided to keep it simple and stick with products that are just sweetened with good old azucar. Coca Cola happens to be one of these, and an ice cold coke with a taco every now and then is a nice treat.

Anyway, I just came across another article to fuel my no high fructose fire, which I'm sure we will be hearing more about as the debate continues;

Researchers find traces of mercury in high-fructose corn syrup

1 comment:

  1. There was an article out on Tuesday about Mexican Coca-Cola. I always get the bottled cokes at Victor's. Turns out the cane sugar in Mexcian Cokes is more expensive and there's more demand for it in the US:
